27. maí

Multiculturalism in Uppsveitir Árnessýslu

Municipalities Bláskógabyggð, Grímsnes- og Grafningshreppur, Hrunamannahreppur, and Skeiða- og Gnúpverjahreppur are working on a project titled "Multicultural Community in Uppsveitir Árnessýsla." The project aims to enhance the participation of residents with foreign backgrounds in the community and promote the inclusion of all residents regardless of origin. One of the approaches to achieve this goal is to engage in dialogue with residents about what needs to be done to support all residents. The project starts with a survey that can be taken by clicking the link or scanning the QR code at the bottom of the news article.

The development officer and project managers of the health-promoting community in all Uppsveitir oversee the project. Businesses and institutions are encouraged to participate in this important project by introducing it to their employees and encouraging them to attend workshops, respond to the survey, and participate in organized events.

Three independent workshops are planned for the middle of June, and all residents are encouraged to attend to discuss what needs to be done to strengthen the community and make it an active multicultural society. The workshops will be held in three locations and will be advertised in more detail as the dates approach.

12. June - Community Center in Hrunamannahreppur

19. June - Community Center in Grímsnes- og Grafningshreppur

20. June - Community Center in Aratunga, Bláskógabyggð

The project is expected to conclude with a cultural feast showcasing different cultures.

Businesses and institutions in Uppsveitir Árnessýsla are asked to support the project by participating and informing employees about the meetings and schedules.

Uppsveitir can become an even better and more diverse community with a joint effort.

The survey, which is now live, is available in four languages, and we hope residents will take the time to complete it. It can be found at 

https://forms.office.com/e/1Gz50R8fMQ or by copying the QR code below.